Does coloring hair make it thinner or thicker? Do dyes increase hair thickness?
Do you notice that your hair looks thinner and you think it is because of the dye? Since you dyed your hair, do you notice it thick and difficult to handle because of the volume?
Well, whether your hair is thinner or thicker, it has nothing to do with the dye. You want to know why?
• Because the dye does not modify your hair fiber at all. As much as you religiously dye your hair once a month, the thickness will always be the same.
• But what can make your hair look thinner or thicker is the dye shade you apply.
• Therefore, if you have fine hair, it is recommended to apply dark tones, and if you color thick hair, you should opt for light tones. In a few moments I will tell you more about this.
• What can influence the dye is hair health, because high levels of peroxide can dry out your hair.
As you can see that the dye becomes thinner or thicker, it is just one more myth of the many that circulate around with respect to dyes.
Dyeing your hair does not change the thickness, since the only thing that can cause it is that if you apply it very often and with high percentages of peroxide, your hair can weaken.
That is, you will have the weakest hair, but always the same thickness. If you are worried about this, do not despair, because later I will tell you how you can strengthen it, to continue dyeing your hair more safely.
What is not a myth is that some dye tones or color techniques can make your hair look thinner or thicker.
Is your hair so fine that it looks like you have very little? Do you want to hide the volume of your hair?
So, do not move from there, because I will tell you:
• What shades of dyes to apply to fine hair
• What shades to choose from to hide the thickness of a hair
• How to care for your hair according to its thickness
Let's start debunking myths then.
If you have fine hair you should apply dark shades, and the darker the shade, the better. Do not panic! By this I don't mean that you have to dye your hair black. Within the dark tones, there are the dark chestnut or the chestnut.
And to choose, the shade should always take into account the base shade that you already have in your hair.
If parts of very light tones:
• 10 platinum blonde, you can apply 6 light brown.
• 9 light blonde, you can apply 5 medium chestnut.
• 8 blonde, you can apply 4 chestnut.
If parts of light or medium tones:
• 7 dark blonde, you can apply 4 chestnut.
• 6 light chestnut, you can apply 3 dark chestnut.
• 5 medium chestnut, you can apply 1 black.
Applying these shades it will appear that you have twice as much hair and much thicker. And best of all, you just need a dye kit and follow the manufacturer's instructions to the letter. Check out more info here
Light colors are ideal for all those women who have thick hair and lots of it.
Many women come to my salon asking me how they can remove thickness from their hair or if they can remove a certain amount of it.
Unfortunately you cannot, unless you agree to cut your hair in layers to remove volume, or a low cut, to remove a lot of hair from the length.
But if you do not want to cut your hair, my fundamental recommendation is that you dye your hair with light tones. Because the lighter the shade, the finer and lighter your hair will look.