


Micheal Christopher Rogers was born in
Toledo,OH on 11-15-1988.
I started writing music when he was 7 years old.
He wrote a book at 11 years old
I decided to become a music artist when I did my senior year in jail for robbery and felious assault.
When I got out me and my crew primaly close cousins and friends started a rap crew called Aplus.
We then moved from the cold streets of the west side of Toledo,OH to the Houston,TX in 2009 where I made a
name for myself going by Mike Smooth.
I continue to drop 4 projects in Texas and sold millions of CDs in the streets indentpently.
I went to the Art Institute of Houston for Audio Engineering were I learned how to produce and engineer music.
I started Aplus Entertainment in 2013 is when i trademarked the name.
I started going by my real name Micheal Christopher because to many people had the name Smooth and
I wanted to find my own way as a artist.
I relocated to Los Angeles in 2018 and dropped my album Survival of the Smoothest in Dec 2018.
I then went back to my hometown of Toledo,Oh to help the family
and gain perspctive on my next moves for myself as an artist and Aplus Entertainment.
I started in 2019 it is where you can check out all the Aplus Artist and Buy Merch.
I am currently preparing to drop my new album The Smoove in Sept 2019
Aplus Entertatinment is a Indpendent Black owned Label who roster of artist are mostly related.

My Motivation I just love to live and I want to work hard and fun.
I love making music and would still be making music if only a 100 people listened.
My motivation for Aplus ENtertainment is all the people who represent the brand and are fans of our music.
and to be one of the Greatest of all time.

I have to many insprirations to name. The most important is God.


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