Sami Chohfi is an American artist of Brazilian descent whose professional career began 15 years ago. Influenced by 90s bands and The Beatles, his music is a balance of alternative rock, hard rock and acoustic folk compositions.
Multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer, Sami plays not only guitar, but also bass, drums, ukulele and didgeridoo. His versatility and ease in moving between different instruments and styles led him to move to the city of Seattle (USA), where he set up his first band, Blue Helix, with which he came to Brazil for the first time for a series of shows. He began his solo career in 2019, and his connection with Brazil remained. The musician returned to the country five more times with different shows and tours, driven by the success of his songs on renowned radio stations such as Kiss FM, 89FM A Rádio Rock and Antena 1. His hits have already reached the mark of more than 30 thousand plays on radio stations alone.
In addition to Brazil, Sami has already taken his tours to the United States, Japan, Singapore, India, Philippines, Cambodia, and Armenia where thousands of fans followed his electrifying performances of tracks from his album "Extraordinary World" and other hits, including reinterpretations of songs of artists that Sami admires. He brings an explosive performance to the stage, with an intensity reminiscent of bands like Aerosmith and Foo Fighters, with a lot of interaction with his audience.
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Spin Magazine Feature - Click here
Sami Chohfi guarda com carinho as recordações das férias que passava na infância no Brasil, terra natal de seu pai. O americano revista esses momentos especiais no seu retorno ao país, onde apresenta a turnê Extraordinary World Tour. Read Full Interview here
Sami recentemente lançou o single “Sing You to Me”, uma super mega produção inspirada em grandes bandas como Queen e Beatles. A música tem uma melodia contagiante que, desde a primeira vez, ficará gravada na memória e te fará cantar o dia todo. A música, inclusive, vem sendo tocada nas principais rádios de rock e alternativo em todo o Brasil. Ela apresenta violão estilo flamenco, piano clássico, violoncelos, violinos e vocais de falsete em várias camadas que lhe darão arrepios do início ao fim.
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Com doze shows agendados pelo país, o músico americano-brasileiro Sami Chohfi, está de volta ao Brasil e desta vez, apresenta a turnê “Extraordinary World Tour“, que promove o seu mais recente álbum, “Extraordinary World” (lançado em 2020). Ele se apresenta pela primeira vez em Extrema, 10º Extrema MotoFest, no dia 24 de setembro – a partir das 17h30, no Parque Municipal de Eventos de Extrema MG.
Em uma performance ao vivo que já foi citada como um misto de Goo Goo Dolls + The Smashing Pumpkins + Foo Fighters, Sami tem habilidade e energia únicas para se conectar com a platéia e contar suas histórias através da música tocando vários estilos de rock em apenas um show, como uma montanha-russa de rock’n ‘roll em uma noite. Os fãs paulistas poderão curtir a apresentação do artista e suas principais faixas, que integram o repertório da carreira, como também covers especiais.
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Sami Chohfi loses his heart to love (literally) in the zombiefied video for his blues-rock single Little One — showcasing today on Tinnitist.
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Featuring an undead cast of characters for a Zombie-apocalypse-esque mini-drama, Chohfi’s unique double entendre is spelled out in his creativity to tell a tale. (‘Where are you going with my heart, Little One?’ he croons both figuratively, and in this video, literally.) Our protagonists make a quick stop at a gas station where the lead actress becomes infected. From there, her unassuming partner is seemingly ignorant of her venture into the land of the dead and, as she slowly descends into making him her next meal, the world around them is falling further into the hell flames of a full Zombie take-over.
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Expertly spinning the yarn on a familiar fable of falling for and failing to reckon when it falls apart, Chohfi’s exquisite lyrics, delivered in his signature rasp and undeniable singing prowess, bring a modern flair and uniqueness to the track’s unrequited love story.
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There are only a handful of modern artists who can embrace the traditional rock and add their own songwriting uniqueness in subtle, genuine ways. One of them is Sami Chohfi, the internationally acclaimed artist, singer-songwriter. We’ve been planning to catch-up with him for long, and after his tours now we could get a few minutes with him. If you are already a fan, you’ll find our conversation interesting, if you are a music-lover and a new sympathizer of Sami Chohfi, his latest “The Awakening” is a good introduction while you are reading on: Full Interview here
Click here for full interview with Antena1
A1 – Para iniciar nossa conversa, gostaria de saber mais sobre sua música "Dirty Your Soul". Qual a inspiração por trás disso?
Sami - Durante um tempo, antes da pandemia, Eu estava viajando muito e fazendo turnês por países diferentes.
Nós fomos para Portugal e estávamos apenas passeando pelo país, que por sinal é super lindo. E eu estava andando à beira da água e ouvi um músico. Incrível como um artista original tocando essa música linda e eu caminhei até ele e fiquei surpreso que não havia ninguém ouvindo. Ninguém prestando atenção nele e eu lhe dei 10 euros como gorjeta. Eu estava gostando da música dele e meio que me surpreendeu que tantos grandes artistas e músicos não sejam apreciados.
Então eu pensei sobre como as ideias para músicas entram na sua mente do nada, eles simplesmente são, você sabe, eles apenas vêm de um universo e a letra. Ser um músico, ser um artista vai sujar sua alma. E eu estava pensando comigo mesmo, uau, vai porque a vida vai sujar a vida da sua alma. A vida é dura e através de todos os nossos.
Nossas interações com pessoas e familiares e situações da vida são vendidas. Isso deixa uma marca em nós, mas eu sabia que precisava ter uma melodia e foi muito engraçado. Eu tinha meu telefone e estava descendo. Você sabe, apenas sendo um turista regular em Lisboa e eu estou andando e eu sou como se eu tivesse uma melodia suja ou algo assim.
Estou sentado lá gravando essa melodia enquanto estou andando, e as pessoas estão olhando para mim como , achando estranho. “Ele está em uma conversa e eu fico tipo Doo Doo, Doo, Doo, Doo Doo” e eu fico tipo eu não tenho letra na época mas eu sempre começo as músicas desse jeito e então a música acabou ficando assim como Anthem para as pessoas manterem a esperança de permanecerem positivas. E a música fala sobre as dificuldades da vida, mas é? Mais importante, nos lembra de não desistir.
E seguir em frente para um resultado mais positivo. Então essa foi a inspiração que foi. É incrível como a música aconteceu.Eu posso imaginar tudo e todos olhando para você e tipo Oh meu Deus, o que ele estava fazendo? Ele é louco?
The artist steers perspective towards celebrating “beautiful uniqueness” and encourages people to be less judgmental or driven by comparison. “We try to be someone we are not, and question ourselves for being who we are. People are on their phones with facial filters to change how they look on social media just to feel accepted. Likes and thumbs up have become our new addiction, leading to depression and self-harm. We judge without reason and we assume the worst in each other. This song is about the need for economic, social and individual change. I still believe we can walk hand in hand into a better future once we realize that we are sleeping wide awake.”
Driven by Chohfi’s airy vocal harmonies as well as his conviction-heavy, soulful rock vocals, “The Awakening” is also accompanied by an animated lyric video. To keep the message and reach as global as possible, the subtitles for the lyrics have been translated into Hindi and Portuguese.
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O músico e compositor norte-americano Sami Chohfi está de volta ao Brasil em setembro! Com nove shows agendados, ele trará a “Extraordinary World Tour”, que promove o seu mais recente álbum, “Extraordinary World” (lançado em 2020), para o país entre os dias 09 de setembro e 22 de outubro e passará por São Paulo (SP), Curitiba (PR), Florianópolis (SC), Sta Rita do Sapucaí (MG), Extrema (MG), São Miguel do Oeste (SC), Ribeirão Preto (SP), Botucatu (SP) e São Carlos (SP).
O músico participará de dois festivais enquanto estiver no país: serão dois shows no Hacktown, que acontece de 15 a 18/08 em Sta Rita do Sapucaí (MG) e uma apresentação no Extrema MotoFest, que será realizado de 23 a 25/09 na cidade de Extrema, também em MG. Os shows de Sami serão nos dias 16 e 17 no Hacktown e no dia 24 no MotoFest.
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Featuring an undead cast of characters for a Zombie-apocalypse-esque mini-drama, Chohfi’s unique double entendre is spelled out in his creativity to tell a tale. (‘Where are you going with my heart, Little One?’ he croons both figuratively, and in this video, literally.) Our protagonists make a quick stop at a gas station where the lead actress becomes infected. From there, her unassuming partner is seemingly ignorant of her venture into the land of the dead and, as she slowly descends into making him her next meal, the world around them is falling further into the hell flames of a full Zombie take-over.
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Kboing bateu um papo com o Sami Chohfi!O artista norte-americano fez sua terceira turnê pelo Brasil neste semestre.
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Sami Chohfi's song "Tidal Wave"was featured for 90 seconds on Season 5 episode 4 of CBS (Paramount Plus) Seal Team
Pop Cyber – De onde veio a inspiração para essa música?
Quanto eu assisto TV, geralmente tenho uma das minhas guitarras em mãos. Eu estava assistindo um episódio de um dos meus programas favoritos, chamado The Walking Dead, onde uma zumbi estava devorando o seu parceiro vivo e de repente comecei a escrever um riff de rock blues muito cativante. Me inspirei a escrever algo realmente diferente, é meio assustador, mas com uma pegada legal e um toque de humor sarcástico. Sempre escrevo as letras das minhas músicas depois de compor a melodia vocal. As palavras surgiram na manhã seguinte. Decidi escrever essa música sobre um relacionamento tóxico que não é apenas contagioso, mas também corrosivo em todos os sentidos. Acho que todo mundo já viveu em um relacionamento ruim do qual você sabe que deveria sair, mas você não consegue se libertar daquela pessoa.
Full Interview Here
“Serenade the Darkness” rolls out on a Latin-tinted melody riding an alluring undulating rhythm. Chock-full of sensuous textures topped by Sami’s longing timbres, the lyrics echo the burning desire of passion amalgamated with the throbbing anguish of heartache. At once seductive and intimate, “Serenade the Darkness” exposes raw vulnerability.
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The "Extraordinary World" music video filmed all across the world has been added to the MTV VOD, VH1, Music Choice, Much Music and Revolt TV platforms.
Music Videos "Dirty Your Soul" and "This Majesty" were added to the Music Choice, Revolt TV, Much Music and Much More video platforms.
"The best songs are unified experiences. Unified means that every element of the composition receives the right amount of attention and the resulting effect is that this is one of the more complete musical experiences you’ll enjoy in recent music history. Much of it is guided by his vocal prowess. Many singers give a fine technical performance, but few are capable of getting completely inside of a song and dominating with sheer force of personality and charisma alike".
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“Extraordinary World” is a great example of the ways in which Sami Chohfi blends alternative rock with a strong folk vibe, capturing a genre-transcending sound. The lyrics are incredibly meaningful and relatable, featuring a reflection on thoughts and feelings surrounding feeling alone and feeling inadequate. Despite its lyrical content seeming down, there is a certain solace in the way that Chohfi shares this message, giving feelings of comfort that even if we are alone, we are not alone in feeling that way. I found “Extraordinary World” hits home in all the best ways, with excellent lyrical and musical content
Link to full article here
Sami Chohfi finds there’s a bigger purpose in this world than just living it day by day. Described in the single “Extraordinary World,” he ventures out into other countries discovering how his journey across the globe would have a huge influence on his life.
“Extraordinary World” assists his desire to help third world children by buying shoes for them with the profits from his songs and in many other ways.
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Sami Chohfi é um músico norte-americano repleto de conexões com o Brasil que acaba de lançar Extraordinary World, seu primeiro álbum de estúdio.
A canção homônima do trabalho foi o último single lançado, com direito a um vídeo tocante de Sami gravado em diversos lugares do mundo. Sobre a inspiração por trás do clipe, o músico comentou: Link to article here
Rocker and globe trotter Sami Chohfi just released his new album "Extraordinary World" and to celebrate we asked him to tell us about the new single and video for the title track "Extraordinary World." Here is the story:
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Extraordinary World é um disco sentimental. Cheio de ensinamentos, boas energias e envolvente, ele abraça o ouvinte a cada música que segue, independente da duração. Além de ser bem desenhado e amplamente harmônico, sua qualidade rítmica se deve muito aos músicos presentes na obra.
Lançado em 03 de setembro de 2020 de forma independente, o álbum é harmônico, melódico, comercial e amplamente sedutor. Mas acima de tudo, ele é algo necessário para ser consumido em uma época de incertezas e medos como a que está sendo vivida. A boa música é sempre um remédio. E nisso, Extraordinary World se encaixa muito bem.
Full Article in Portuguese click here
Sometimes in life we meet a total stranger who truly inspires us with their hope and positivity; a stranger that reminds us that there's good in the world, and shows us what it really means to be human. Sami Chohfi was lucky enough to meet a person of this caliber, and then passed the positivity on by writing a beautiful and heartfelt song for all of us to hear with "Extraordinary World."
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Despite the hardships that 2020 has brought us, it’s an “Extraordinary World” out there and Sami Chohfi is observing it all with his brand new single and album. The title track’s accompanying music video has a certain heartwarming factor about it, a tribute of sorts from Chohfi to the many friends he has made across the globe while on tour in 2018 and 2019. A lot of the video’s footage is taken from his travels across six different countries over these last couple of years, displaying a really compassionate side of the artist, and serving as a reminder of better times where human connection was always there for us to rely on, no matter what life threw our way.
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Sami is a proven performer and he certainly knows how to push the buttons. He brings in a little of his Brazilian heritage for the Rhumba based soft Rock of Serenade The Darkness before he’s back into the ballads with All Over Again. Although this one is a bit twee lyrically, it’s very easy to listen to, builds well and Sami’s voice does shine through again.
For Full Album Review Click Here
Earlier today, Seattle-based artist and Blue Helix frontman Sami Chohfi announced “This Majesty,” the third single from his debut solo LP out in September, with a video premiere on Rolling Stone India.
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The powerful guitar melodies that capture all of the emotions he spills onto this record are captiivating and I can’t wait to hear more.
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“This Majesty” is arguably one of the album’s most personal examples of how travel seeped into his songwriting, written in Kenya’s Amboseli Park in the wake of his older brother’s passing.
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This track is in itself a spiritual experience, from one magical place in this world to another, the artist is our guide into the most heavenly places on earth, he himself is like a guardian spirit showing us that we are all part of something greater than we perceive. I would say, even though this was his tribute to a loved one, he shows us that even through a tragic loss, we are always with the ones we love and forever part of their lives
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The stirring acoustic rock ballad came to Chohfi while he was in Kenya, looking at the famous Mount Kilimanjaro. He says, “To wake to the most beautiful sunrise, be surrounded by such loving people, and experience the majesty that is not only Kilimanjaro but the wildlife of Amboseli Park, the song essentially wrote itself.”
Click here for the full World Premiere of This Majesty on The Rolling Stone
Avec une vidéo tournée sur des sites de renommée mondiale comme le Taj Mahal et des images à couper le souffle de l’Inde dans un monde pré-corona, Extraordinary World nous rappelle que, selon les mots de Chohfi, «tout le monde veut simplement s’intégrer, être aimé et se faire comprendre.
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Chohfi has always performed with passion, pouring every ounce of energy into his performances. His playing is impeccable, and his commanding voice is layered with emotion
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The song was written in Lisbon in early 2019 in just one hour. However the music video was filmed across India in 10 days during Holi Festival 2020
Check out Indie Gaga Magazines full article here
Written by Eclectic Music Lover Blog
“Dirty Your Soul” is a lovely and uplifting song of hope, which I’ve chosen as my New Song of the Week.
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Written by: Anti-Music
If I could give my younger self advice, I would tell him this: "While life might bruise your body and dirty your soul along the way, you should remember to always find hope in yourself and fight for a better tomorrow". Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself and watch a behind the scenes featurette below
For full Interview & behind the scenes video click here
Written by : Reignland Magazine
Sami Chohfi has released a heart warming new track called “Dirty Your Soul” I loved the video to this song because of the vibrant colors and the beautiful children, it gave me a picture of hope. The vocals are great and love the guitar playing. This is such a great song! Be sure to listen for yourself and please share your feedback below. Add this to your playlist today.
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Written by : Rockeramagazine
Through the scenes of playing with children, you can experience a sense of grace and joy. The video is so beautiful and it is really natural as it moves real scenes from the streets to the screen. If you want to watch a real eye-candy cheerful video, you need to watch Sami Chohfi's "Dirty Your Soul"
For full review click here
Written By With Guitars
“Dirty Your Soul” is a Beatles-esque ode to childlike wonder cutting through the distractions of adulthood. “Soul” is an apt kickoff for Extraordinary World, which was inspired by Chohfi’s travels across six countries over the last two years. Aside from the vicarious images and sounds of traveling in a pre-corona world, Extraordinary World serves as a timely reminder that, in Chohfi’s words, “all people just want to fit in, be loved, and be understood.”
For full review click here
Written by : Vents Magazine
While singer/songwriter Sami Chohfi is based in Seattle, he is undeniably a modern citizen of the world. His upcoming solo debut, Extraordinary World, was written across six countries over the last two years.
For full review click here
"We are loving the new poignant and heart-searing rock ballad by international singer/songwriter, Sami Chohfi. “Tidal Wave,” is Sami’s second solo release, and is a song about making peace with your past through forgiveness, and is brought to life through Sami’s bright, engaging vocals".
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Zher the Zoo Yoyogi - February 28th - Tokyo, Japan
Hard Rock Cafe Mumbai - March 1st - Andheri, India
Hard Rock Cafe Gurgaon - March 13th - New Delhi, Gurgaon India
Join Sami Live on the Air on one of Sao Paulo, Brazil's best Rock radio stations 92.5 Kiss FM August 1st at 9pm. Sami's song "Anodyne" will be featured live on the air during the interview.
Sami will be back in Brazil in August 2019 for his second tour. He will be accompanied by Brazilian National Band Mr. Legacy .They will be playing 5 dates together featuring songs from Sami's upcoming debut Album, as well as fan favorites from his Blue Helix catalog.
August 10th - Cafe Piu Piu
August 11th - Stone's Music Bar (unplugged)
August 17th - Stone's Music Bar
August 18th - Francisco Bar and Artes
August 31st - Morrison Rock Bar
Tacoma, Washington
Puyallup, Wa
Pioneer Park
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Acoustic performance at Stones Music Outdoor Festival
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Osasco, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Yerevan, Armenia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phnom Penh , Cambodia
Manila, Philippines
Tokyo, Japan
Mumbai, Andheri India
Gurgaon, India
Puyallup, WA
Puyallup, Wa
Blue Helix Studio
Blue Helix Studio
Blue Helix Studio
Blue Helix Studio
Hard Rock Cafe India Facebook Page
Puyallup, Wa
Post Falls, Idaho
Puyallup, Wa
Parker, CO
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Las Vegas, NV
Phoenix, AZ
Salt Lake City, UT
Idaho Falls, ID
Guarulhos, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Santo Andre, Brazil
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
with Saliva
Sao Paulo, Brasil
Santa Rita do Sapucai, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Santa Rita do Sapucai, Minas Gerais, Brasil
Live on air performance in SP, Brazil
Extrema, Minas Gerais
Curitiba, Parana Brasil
Sao Miguel do Oeste, Santa Catarina Brasil
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina Brasil
Sao Paulo, Brasil
Ribeirao Preto, Brasil
Botucatu, Brasil
Sao Carlos, Brasil
Kerala, India
Makati City, Manila
Makati, Phillippines
Jacutinga, Minas Gerais Brazil
Makati, Philippines
Singapore, Singapore
Santo Andre, Brazil
Sami Chohfi continues the Be the Change 2024 Warm-up Tour in Brazil in Santo Andrew with the Ladies of Rock
Sao Paulo, Brazil