Facebook Application for DJs', Musicians', Artists'/Bands' Page
Think Social First

It's no secret that Social Networking is a key component in connecting with fans. Now you can create Facebook Application and put your music on FB. Distinguish your Facebook music page with a custom stylish media player – automatically updated when you edit content in the dashboard. We offer an easy way to add music to FB page.
- Facebook Fan growth has increased more than 123% in the past two years
- 120 million people become fans of pages every day
- More than 100 million users interact with Facebook via a mobile device
- Facebook Friends are 2 times more likely to buy stuff from you
- Distinguish your Facebook Band Profile page by adding the ArtistEcard stylish audio player
- Push notifications of new gigs, music, videos, pics, thoughts and stories from the road
- Appear bigger; mobilize your army of fans
We Design for you

Artist Page (Facebook App)
More than 350 million active users currently access Facebook on their mobile devices what better way to generate more traffic and gain new fans than making your music so simple to access right from your Facebook page. The total number of Facebook users is 900 million, yet the total number of apps and websites integrated with Facebook is only 7 million make it 7 million (+) 1 by installing the ArtistEcard Facebook App and don't forget it's absolutely FREE!